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Ipe (pronounced “ee-pay”) is an exotic wood primarily found in South America. Ipe wood is extremely strong, durable and resistant to rot, abrasion, weather, and insects. It is very dense and about 5 times harder than your average hardwood. This makes Ipe very difficult process like your typical natural materials. Here at E. Leet we have developed our own processes and built up our facility and tooling directly around the manufacturing of your Ipe components.
Dimensional Availability
5/4" x 4"
5/4" x 6"
5/4" x 8"
5/4" x 10"
5/4" x 12"
2" x 2"
2" x 4"
2"x 6"
2" x 8"
2" x 10"
2"x 12"
4" x 4"
Let us know If you have any Ipe needs outside of the dimensional availability. We have long relationships with suppliers and mills. If its out there, we'll find it.
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